My Blog Banners =D


I made a new buisness recently and it's called "Froggy's Bloggy Banners" and basically you can tell by the name what I do. I will keep updating this with the banners but at the moment I've made 2..!

<-- This is Megsie-Rules's banner and I hope she likes.  Copy and paste the page Megsie to get it (Also click to enlarge it ;D)

<-- Now Maizie..! This is yours and you know why there's pigs and you also know how to get it ;D..! (Click to enlarge her banner)

So the way to get your banner is tell me the blog link " would be mine. Then tell me what tint you want for it "Blue" is mine..! That's how to give me the info for the banner. So just ask and give the info and I'm all set.

Thanks for looking at the buisness and my banners bye.

~ Froggy :P over and out xx